Thursday, May 14, 2020

A New Version Of The Portable Forced Oscillation Technique

Specific Aim1: Develop a new version of the portable FOT to track changes in hourly temporal variation in respiratory system impedance (Zrs) and phase. Hypothesis: The newly developed portable Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT) measures the respiratory impedance as accurately as existing market devices. This aim is designed to validate the lab developed devices. Rationale: Current methods to evaluate the respiratory system are limited to Spirometry and Forced Oscillation Technique. Spirometry is the gold standard test to evaluate the respiratory system[1]. Although it has been used for decades, it has several limitations which makes it difficult to be used in early detection for any pulmonary diseases including asthma. One major†¦show more content†¦In specific aim 1 we will build and validate the portable version of the FOT. It will be small in size and low in cost, to be used in patient’s home to measure impedance and phase throughout the day. The lab-developed FOT will be validated versus the FOT devices on the market to ensure data accuracy and precision. The validation process starts by recruiting a group of healthy subjects. Then, respiratory system impedance data will be collected using the lab-develop FOT and market device FOT for statistic comparison. Experimental Strategy: 1. Design Overview: The main goal of this specific aim is to design a portable Forced Oscillation Technique device that is small in size and low in cost. The device to be used in the patient’s home to evaluate the respiratory system impedance. The device uses an Intel Galileo2 microprocessor that generates the excitation sound wave signal to the loudspeaker. The low amplitude pressure sound wave travels through a penumotachograph that connects to two differentiation pressure transducers (SDXL005D4) then to the patient respiratory system. To avoid CO2 rebreathing there is a bias resistance that connects at the penumotachograph as shown in fig (1) to allow spontaneous breathing. All calculation will be done within the microprocessor and data will be

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