Monday, September 30, 2019

Federal Government on Public School Curriculum Essay

Education is the one which build the molders of the society. It has been one of the major issues tackled during election campaigns and debates. Of all the issues in governance and in leading the nation, federal role in education receives less attention. The federal programs that exist in our country are lacking the ability to meet the standards that would qualify for a world quality yet government-funded education. In the educational system history, less help come from the federal government that worsens the scenario of schools specially those that are considered public. Aside from the role of the federal government in funding education particularly public schools, it is also important for the federal government to make sure that the curriculum be in its world quality standards of learning. The curriculum guides an educational system to be in its right path to reach the proper knowledge and learning. However, the Federal government was prohibited to control education under the General Education Provisions Act of April 18,1970 that was cited at 20USC(52)I §3921 of the Education Security Act of August 11, 1984. This prohibition is followed by the Controlled Substance Act that prohibits all professional competence in drug control. Another prohibition is the non-sponsorship of the federal government of any kind of testing that is provided for and enacted by law. Consequently, these prohibitions make the responsibility left behind with the States. Each States should have their own means of providing education to their respective youths. The congress had legislated an unconstitutional attitude that pertains to such education that prohibits good governance. This also limits the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The exclusion of the federal government is not applicable at this time and thus, many (including those in the congress) suggest giving the proper education aid as soon as it should be. As an improvement, Former President George W. Bush passed â€Å"The No Child Left behind Act of 2001† which intends to increase the federal government’s support and involvement to education was legalized. The Federal government together with the US Department of Education should allow the idea of a national curriculum for public schools. In this way, the State and local educational offices will only maintain and enforce the standards without even evaluating the curriculum. The Department of Education upon their approval of national curriculum should always have their assessment at each half of the year to make sure that the standards for curriculum are well enforced. Reference ERIC.Government and the Public School Curriculum. Retrieved April 3, 2009 @

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Computer Network and Intense Financial Pressure

Introduction: CareGroup was established in 1996 from a three-way merger of several hospitals in the eastern Massachusetts area. The merger was driven by the intense financial pressure and competitiveness in the healthcare community. CareGroup was the second largest hospital group in the area, and was a force to be reckoned with in the war of medical costs that included healthcare providers and employers. Problem: On Nov 13, 2002, a researcher executed an application without terminating it, which caused huge data communication traffics and led to a network crash. The network crash could not be fixed internally and the CIO at CareGroup had to call experts from Cisco for help the next day. While Cisco engineers were fixing the problem, CareGroup employees resorted back to paper based forms as a costly and unorganized replacement to their networked computers. The network was restored five days after the crash and post-crash repairing commenced to help recovery and further potential crashes. Problem Analysis: The source of the collapse was an â€Å"out of spec† network. CareGroup integrated its multiple operating systems into a state-of-the-art IT system. However, not well managed were the incremental changes to the network. This lack of control compromised the paths over which data flowed. That, combined with an experimental application that had been left unmonitored in a production environment, were the underlying causes for the network failure. CareGroup lacked a standardized operational flow to streamline, control, monitor, and document activities of users and researchers. There was little control and IT governance on common users to access or make changes to the network configuration. Right after the outage, several changes were made by various users without synchronization and documenting, which worsened the outage situation. Solutions: The following are the proposed options to help solve the aforementioned problem: 1. CareGroup can implement a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and Contingency Plan (CP). The DRP describes the road map through which CareGroup must deal with unpredictable, unpreventable, or potential catastrophic events. the contingency plan acts as backbone for disaster recovery and allows for a complete recovery cycle. CP would require careful preparation and planning in order to allow CareGroup the ability to get back to a working state of affairs. 2. CareGroup should redesign the company network infrastructure to employ Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). A multi- VPN approach would enable CareGroup to maintain independency (separate virtual LANs) for their business partners. 3. Combine both options 1 and 2. 4. Outsourcing the network services. Recommendation: I recommend that CareGroup implement a disaster recovery plan, as well as adopt formal oversight of network changes and a prohibition against developers testing in a production environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cultural and Economic Forces in the Maintenance of Reproduction of Essay

Cultural and Economic Forces in the Maintenance of Reproduction of Social Inequality - Essay Example There is certainly the difference of social class due to economic differences. The wealthy and poor are discriminated not only by money but by their appearance and cloths also. The social class has mobility unlike racial stratification. For e.g. some maids may be working to support their studies and after which they will be working in higher paying and more skilled jobs which would take them to higher class socially. The maids and the hotel guests are two poles of different social class based on their economic conditions. The two groups have homogeneity within the group while great difference between the groups. Hence it is better explained by economic polarization of Esteban and Ray (As cited in Palacios-Gonzlez and Garca-Fernndez 1). The polarization differs from inequality in the sense that as the income increases the inequality decreases. The income is considered around the global mean while the polarization centers on many factors. As the polarization increases the social confli ct also increases (Mogues and Carter (4). It is true, though, that the different class of hotel maids put them at culturally disadvantaged position as well. They are excluded from high culture group and restricted in their cultural practices (Benett et al 268). It is to be noted here that the cultural capital alone is not sufficient to remove such class inequality, possession of social capital is necessary to give future generations advantages or being the high social class citizen. In other words the social class with economic capital provide transmission and reproduction of social advantages to next generation while lack of these results in exclusion from advantageous social class (Benett et al 268-269). Case 2- Minorities in the bus (William Harry Shipps) : The minorities including the black Americans had taken to travel en mass in particular buses and avoid those carrying predominantly white people. The racial and ethnic basis of social inequality still continues despite the abolition of slavery in USA. The Marxist view considers inequalities unacceptable though at the same time it finds these inevitable as consequences of unequal availability of cultural and economic capital. According to them the system allows uninterrupted access to strategic and basic resources to some people while restricting access of these to others. Moreover, different groups in social hierarchy are placed at various social distances in terms of cultural and other factors. This different access to opportunities is explained by a number of ideological explanation that not only maintain the social distances but also make these look normal and inevitable (Bartlett 199-200). As a result Marxist explain class as group's ability to own or access a good and that whe re blacks and other American minorities are still at disadvantage. The other reasons for persistence, of this social inequality, is non-mobility that makes racial categories inert for very long time compared to the social class categories. For e.g. blacks are considered as racially subordinate group when it comes to education and occupational opportunities. These opportunities overlook the individual qualities and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Percocet Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Percocet Abuse - Essay Example The abusers take the percocet in form of pills that for chewing and snorting after being crushed like cocaine. (Percocet information) The prolonged administering of narcotics particularly for continuous two to three weeks is vulnerable to addiction. Even the reasonable doses of some narcotics gradually lead to the fatal overdose. While enhancing the doses of narcotics, the person may initially feel restless and nauseous and then gradually goes towards loss of consciousness and abnormal breathing. It may also demonstrate withdrawal symptoms that may continue for months together. Sometimes percocet is also mixed with other drugs such as alcohol, antispasmodic drugs like Congentin, Bentyl, Donnatal, tranquilizers like Thorazine and mellaril, narcotic painkillers like Daryon and Demerol, sedatives like Phenobarbital and Seconal, to have enhanced influences. (Percocet information) The prescription of regulated substances at most of the cases appear to be the simplest and most effective method at times while the patient is effected by physical or emotional pain. However, in selected cases this strategy gives rise to the prescription drug abuse and hurt the patients. The concept of right use of medication differs with the different groups of physicians and differing societal beliefs and this makes the detection of prescription drug abuse really difficult. Particular mode of drug use leads to greater risk of harm than benefit. Such adoption manners among others incorporate increased adoption of a substance in absence of consultancy by the physicians, utilization of a substance for other than the definite medical conditions, persistent use of substance irrespective of adverse impacts and persistent efforts to obtain such substances. (Isaacson; Hopper; Alford; Parran, 2005) The real physical dependency on the drug cannot be called as drug abuse. Physical dependence indicates a pharmacologic condition that signifies sudden discontinuance of intake of some substances may give rise to symbolic withdrawal symptoms. Tolerance indicates a condition in that gradually increasing intake of substances is necessitated to have the similar impact. A prolonged treatment of a patient may demonstrate physical dependence or tolerance in form of a biological incident to the medication having no misuse or abuse. To illustrate a patient suffering from metastatic cancer administered with high doses of narcotics for pain relief turns to be physically dependence fetches severe withdrawal symptoms when discontinued suddenly. In such circumstances the patient is required to be convinced about the advantages of the drugs and about the difference between physical dependence and drug abuse. (Isaacson; Hopper; Alford; Parran, 2005) Conversely, there is indication of prescription drug abuse even in absence of any physical dependence on a substance. This circumstance may result while the administering of a substance is continual and still considerably interferes with the function. A substance can also be administered occasionally and in a dose not adequate to generate physical dependence, for reasons different than to take care of a defined medical complicacy. At last it is also significant to recognize that patients may be deterred from taking sufficient doses of a regulated substance for various kinds of reasons and be misinterpreted as having the problem of a drug

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Traditional Roman Republic Virtues versus Christian Virtues Essay

Traditional Roman Republic Virtues versus Christian Virtues - Essay Example Perpetua and Lucretia depict different virtues as women, wherein Perpetua is shown as virtuous because she willingly accepted suffering for her faith, while Lucretia took suffering in her own hands and asked others to avenge her marred integrity because she and her society assigned ultimate virtue on her sexual purity. Perpetua is different from Lucretia because she lived by the Christian virtue of suffering for her faith rather than renouncing it. She shows courage in accepting her suffering. Her punishment was to face gladiators, and, before they killed her, she told her brother and others: â€Å"You must all stand fast in the faith and love one another, and do not be weakened by what we have gone through.† She embraced her suffering with pride and love. Lucretia did not die for her religious beliefs, but because of her soiled sexuality. She did not even wait for others to punish her for being impure. She said this before committing suicide: â€Å"I will absolve myself of b lame, and I will not free myself from punishment. No woman shall use Lucretia as her example in dishonor.† She could not accept living anymore after being raped because she and her society believed that women must be sexually pure (i.e. have sexual relations only with their husbands). Lucretia killed herself because of her shame, while Perpetua sacrificed her life for her Christian faith.The male interlocutors in these women’s lives lived according to their cultural virtues, wherein Christian males in Perpetua’s life suffered with her.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Now the Olympic flame has left the UK its remaining legacy is to Essay

Now the Olympic flame has left the UK its remaining legacy is to inspire a generation, promoting the benefits of physical fitness. What are the benefits to the cardiovascular system of regular exercise - Essay Example This paper is a discussion of the main physiological features of the cardiovascular system. The heart, one of the system’s major components, has two ventricles at the bottom chambers of the heart and two atria at the top chambers (Aaronson et al, 2004: p47). The ventricles force the blood into the blood vessels from the heart while the atria drains and forces blood into the ventricles. The heart is divided into two chambers in order to achieve a two-circuit system of circulation. The right side pumps to the lungs while, on the other hand, the left pumps to the other organs of the body. During the cycle of a heartbeat, the right and left atria contract, then the right and left ventricles follow suit, followed by relaxation of the ventricles and atria. During the resting phase for the ventricles and atria, blood flows from the relaxed atria to the relaxed ventricles, constituting the diastole. The atria then contract to force out any remaining blood almost followed immediately by the ventricle, constituting the systole. To ensure that blood flows in the right direction, the heart has valves that allow blood to move in only one direction. The heart valves open and close when the heart relaxes and then contracts, which is caused by the pressure difference in the heart, and these valves are; aortic, mitral, pulmonary, and tricuspid valves (Aaronson et al, 2004: p50). The one way nature of the valves ensures that blood does not flow back, which avoids mixing of different blood. The heart is comprised of the cardiac muscle, which is a striated and involuntary muscle found on its walls and histological foundations (Aaronson et al, 2004: p52). While smooth muscle is also involuntary, cardiac muscle is more anatomically related to skeletal muscle since smooth muscle is not striated. The cardiovascular system is made of an amalgamation of smooth and cardiac cells, with the blood vessels lined by smooth muscle. The circulatory system is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Factors affecting the salary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Factors affecting the salary - Essay Example Executives receive a variable compensation that is known as executive bonus that is based on attainment of organisational goals and objectives. Managers also get long-term incentives that are based on the firms’ goals and objectives. Executive perquisites and benefits are different than those that are offered to subordinates. This means that they receive higher levels of pension plans, fringe benefits, life insurance and health insurance. The website states that the pay rates for executive compensation in the US are higher as compared to the situation in other countries. The situation is similar in other nations including Asia and Europe. It is also clear that managers have the option to increase their levels of compensation. This has attracted numerous ethical concerns over the years. The book starts by stating that the issue of executive remuneration has attracted increasing attention over the years especially following the 2008/2009 banking crisis. This leads to the important question on the factors influencing executive remuneration. The recent discussion has shifted from how much the executives make in a month to how much they can make from their firms. The book notes that executive remuneration has spawn out of control in the recent past. In fact, it has become clear that the bonuses available to executive are approximately seventy percent of their basic salary. The High Pay Commission found verification that high pay for executives has negative impacts for society and the economy at large. The same commission found that while executives’ salaries increased dramatically over the years, the share prices have been observed to have declined significantly. Generally speaking, the main factors influencing executive remuneration include the decisions by remuneration committees, inherent values of executives, competitive forces in the market. There are two main theories that can further explain this

Monday, September 23, 2019

Choosing Between Wants and Needs Research Paper

Choosing Between Wants and Needs - Research Paper Example Decisions stemming from standards of living are learned as an outcome of numerous factors like the family, social class, subculture, and culture (Chaudhuri, 2006). Ideas, concerns, and endeavors show how consumers face the difficulty of reaching an appropriate purchasing decision. This paper discusses the effect of self-perception and motives on the conflict between ‘wants’ and ‘needs’. The discussion seeks to identify the most effective marketing strategy in terms of consumers’ buying decision and behavior. Self-perception Views or perceptions serve as a primary component in the assumed risk of buying a product. Assumed risk embodies the uncertainties of the consumer or the conflict between consumer wants and needs. Several distinct techniques may be employed to lessen risk (Michman, Mazze, & Greco, 2003). Primarily, assumed risk can be lessened by a search for product reviews prior to the purchase. Moreover, the consumer can transfer from one form o f assumed risk to another form that is of less effect on the understanding of purposes if this technique is unsuccessful. Also, the buying transaction can be delayed, hence postponing a risk scenario. Lastly, the risk can be fully taken in by making the purchase. The way consumers make use of risk-mitigation or decision making techniques relies somewhat on lifestyle and character factors (Michman et al., 2003). The forms of assumed risk are a monetary loss, status/prestige loss, and time loss. Outlooks are influenced by personality, learning, demographics, social forces, and perception (Holbrook, 1999). Marketers attempt to build favorable consumer outlooks toward their products/services. Outlooks embody sentiments toward a good originating from values, ideas, and beliefs. As a result, consumers form beliefs and ideas about products/services and their features. Outlooks reveal the decision whether to purchase a want or a need. One of the most prominent models of linking outlooks to consumer behavior and decision making is employed by the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center (Michman et al., 2003). The purposes of consumer spending for expensive goods are examined. For instance, buyers are interviewed if they have a certain desire to make a purchase, a possible desire to purchase, an uncertain choice to purchase, or a certain objective not to purchase a new house equipment or car over a specific time period. Outlooks are normally very hard to alter, yet marketers may be capable of attaining the change in outlooks through open and effective communication, specifically if the perceptions of consumers about the product are inaccurate. The outlooks of consumers toward brands are relevant due to the fact that these outlooks do affect consumer choices and behavior. Change in outlooks requires transforming the motivational aspect linking the product/service to a specific class or occasion or altering perceptions about the products of competitors (Hol brook, 1999). Consumers nowadays formulate new techniques to confront the difficulty of deciding what to buy as environmental patterns, advanced technology, and the Internet transform or alter their outlooks and the value they assign to product features like user-friendliness and speed. Motives Marketers do not have the power to monitor or quantify motivation. A motive is a consumer decision’s internal status (Chaudhuri, 2006).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Business Negotiations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Negotiations - Coursework Example However, the employees do not want to lose their jobs or have their salaries’ deducted because of the responsibilities they have. Negotiation is a good way to handle the conflict. It provides both parties with a forum to bring forward their grievances and the affected parties will work something out that could solve their differences. I have two options: to urge the union leaders act ethically and agree to have a mature and productive negotiation process where both parties can benefit or to claim bankruptcy which will justify my firing some employees and reducing their wages. If the union leaders agree to have an ethical negotiation process, I will suggest the laying off some of the employees during this bad economic period, then rehire them once the condition is good; or convert some of the permanent employees to contracts such that they can be recalled during high peak seasons. Consequently, all employees can agree to stay in the company but have their wages reduced. The employees will have to understand that these decisions are not selfish but are circumstantial. If the negotiation process results in laying off some employees, they will be given a three months’ notice during which they can look for other jobs or sources of income. The employees will be laid off, according to their productivity levels. T hose with poor performance and poor productivity levels will be the first ones to get a compulsory leave (Reitz, Wall, & Love,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Applying Thermal Expansion Essay Example for Free

Applying Thermal Expansion Essay Complete the following problems and exercises using complete sentences and showing all work where appropriate. 1. The temperature of the Suns interior is about 107 degrees. Does it matter whether this is degrees Celsius or kelvins? Defend your answer. No, it DOESNt matter whether this is in degrees Celsius or kelvins, since the DIFFERENCE between these scales is ONLY ~ 273 of either measure, and that is ABSOLUTELY NEGLIGIBLE w.r.t. the magnitude of the number 10^7. However, what is more important, perhaps, is that your value of 10^7 is itself a rather loose characterization. Modern  solar evolutionary models suggest rather that the Suns T_c is ~ 1.5 x 10^7 (degrees Celsius or kelvins) instead of merely ~ 10^7. (Our understanding of solar physics is certainly such that an error of a factor of ~ 1.5 in its central temperature would be considered way out of all reasonable possibility!) Of course the numerical factor in front of 10^7 would matter even more if one were using the (non-scientific) Fahrenheit scale. Once again, however (unlike National Geographic magazine, which should hang its head in shame over some of its conversions), one would NOT say that the Suns central temperature was about 2.7 x 10^7 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit! 2. What happens to the gas pressure within a sealed gallon can when it is heated? Cooled? Why? The gases in general obey the gas laws. As per the law the pressure,volume and temperature of the gas is related as: P1V/T1 =P2V2/T2; WhereP1 is pressure at stage 1, V1 is volume at stage 1 and T1 is temperature (Kelvin) for stage 1,and P2,V2 and T2 are the pressure,volume and temperature for stage 2. Now, if a gas contained in a sealed gallon is heatedor cooled the volume of the gas is constant but pressure and temperature will adjust u=in such a way that the : P1/T1 =P2/T2 If T2 is more than T1,then( heating the gas ) P2= P1*T2/T1 as T2 T1 so P2 will bve more than P1,hence, the pressure will increase. If T2

Friday, September 20, 2019

Project Integration Management Interview Management Essay

Project Integration Management Interview Management Essay To see a project through to a success completion, there are various processes and methods needed to provide a structure within which to work. Based on best practice, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has established a general guide to areas, the understanding of which, are essential to the successful, on time completion of a project. These areas of expertise are detailed in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (2008), published by the Project Management Institute. These areas are known as the Project Management Body of Knowledge or PMBOK and include such topics as the management of project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk and procurement. This report covers one knowledge area from both the Core and Facilitating Functions of the PMBOK in relation to an interview with Jason Duigou, an experienced Project Manager. This interview is contained within the book IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish (Phillips, J. 2002). The area of Project Integration Management is also considered. The interview illustrates that Mr Duigou considers certain areas of Project Management to be especially important. Foremost amongst his recommendations is ongoing regular communication between the team members and close supervision from the Project Manager. He recommends that the correct tools be available to the Project Manager to facilitate the communication process between the Project Manager and between the team members. Project Integration Management As the ninth area of knowledge within the PMBOK, successful Project Integration Management is determined by all the other elements of the project. The Project Managers knowledge of PMBOK is essential to the final, timely integration and delivery of the project. The interview emphasises the four core areas of project management which need to be integrated into a final comprehensive product. In the interview, Mr Duigou strongly recommends that the scope, time and cost constraints are thoroughly discussed amongst all the stake holders at the outset to ensure the final integration of the project goes smoothly and delivers the fourth core requirement, a quality product. Mr Duigou states verify that all questions regarding the plan have been addressed before the implementation and provide a clear understanding of the objectives, roles and responsibilities of all resources during the project (Phillips, J. 2002). Managing the scope of the project is extremely important to the successful completion of the project. Many projects may fail as a result of becoming bigger or more complex than was originally planned. The scope of the project has to be completed within a finite time span. Time management is one of the three elements referred to as the triple constraints, together with cost and quality. Extending the time on a project usually means the cost will increase. The Project Manager is accountable to the client for keeping within the budgetary constraints of the project. Contingency funds should be built into the financial plan to cover unexpected cost blow outs. Mr Duigou suggests that contracting certain elements of a project is a good way to achieve results when working on a limited budget. Core Function Cost Cost management is one of the core issues covered in the PMBOK. It is one of the major elements, if not the major element that determines the outcome of the project, for without sufficient funds, the project may falter. Most companies have limited capital to dedicate to their projects and may have other initiatives competing for valuable resources. Mr Duigou suggests in the interview that the project manager must have the right tools for the job to provide dynamic data at any time to enable the project manager to proactively monitor the project including budget and expenses as they are reported. He states that without such tools and efficient communication, the project manager may be ambushed by unexpected demands made on the original budget by unforseen events outside the control of the project team. There are various cost management tools that can be employed to help keep control over this area. These tools may include but are not limited to return on investment, payback analysis, net present value, earned value management, cost estimates and baselines. Describe knowledge area Identify processes of knowledge area Establish connection between interview and knowledge area processes Impact of this area on project management Facilitating Function Communication Communication is a key success factor in all projects. Poor communication often leads to the failure of the project. The PMI has determined that the Project Manager may spend up to eighty nine percent of their time engaged in communication of various forms. The communication process encompasses the collection and generation of information together with project information storage. It is critical for the Project Manager to disseminate information during all phases of the project to all stakeholders. Equally, team members need to provide status reports between themselves and the Manager at frequent and regular intervals. The interview with Mr Duigou illustrates that this experienced Project Manager considers communication to be essential to the successful completion of the project. Mr Duigou states continual communication and commitment on the part of each unit is absolutely necessary in order for the data to be current and accurate. He recommends the use of software to assist in communication and to facilitate project integration. He also emphasises in the interview the importance of timely and effective communication to resolve team disagreements and maintain the teams focus on the goal. He feels that disagreements are often the result of inadequate or unclear communication and can be dealt with by addressing communication issues in a judicious manner before they lead to major problems which may jeopardise the quality and timely delivery of the project. Conclusion This report has looked briefly at the area of Project Management Integration, the core function of cost and the facilitating function of communication in relation to an interview conducted with an experienced Project Manager. An analysis of this interview shows that Mr. Duigou feels that certain areas of the core functions assume a higher priority than others when considering the successful completion of a project. Foremost amongst the most necessary functions is the regular, clear communication between all stakeholders. In the beginning of the plan, all questions, from all parties need to be answered as accurately as possible to facilitate the formation of a clear goal. He also recommends that this be followed up by frequent, close supervision by the project manager, either by face to face meetings when teams are in close physical proximity or by the use of shared electronic project management tools when teams are separated geographically. Mr Duigou considers that keeping a team focused and motivated can be one of the most challenging aspects of delivering a quality project on time. He states that giving team members positive feedback in the form of recognition and praise when they meet or exceed expectations is essential to counteract the tendency to lose motivation, especially on long term projects. This can be considered to be part of good communication. The core function of project cost management is the other issue highlighted in the interview. The management of cost and unexpected budget stress is intertwined with the issue of clear and timely communication of any potential change to the scope and available resources of the project. The project manager needs to be able to proactively monitor expenditures so as not to be taken by surprise, as far as possible, by unexpected changes to any of the core areas. It would be difficult to determine which is most important communication or budget, for without sufficient funds and resources the objective will not be reached. The same can be said for communication between the stakeholders. Misunderstandings regarding the four core areas of project management are inevitable if communication is infrequent and close supervision by the Project Manager is lacking.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Euphoric And Dysphoric Phases In Marriage :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Despite all the fashionable theories of marriage, the narratives and the feminists, the reasons to engage in marriage largely remain the same. True, there have been role reversals and new stereotypes have cropped up. But the biological, physiological and biochemical facts were less amenable to modern criticisms of culture. Men are still men and women are still women in more than one respect. Men and women marry for the same reasons : The Sexual Dyad – formed due to sexual attraction and in order to secure a stable, consistent and permanently available source of sexual gratification. The Economic Dyad – To form a functioning economic unit within which the economic activities of the members of the dyad and of additional entrants will be concentrated. The economic unit generates more wealth than it consumes and the synergy between its members is likely to lead to gains in production and in productivity relative to individual efforts and investment. The Social Dyad – The members of the couple bond as a result of implicit or explicit, direct, or indirect social pressure. This pressure can manifest itself in numerous forms. In Judaism, a person cannot belong to some religious vocations, unless he is married. This is economic pressure. In most human societies, avowed bachelors are considered to be socially deviant and abnormal. They are condemned by society, ridiculed, shunned and isolated, effectively ex-communicated. Partly to avoid these sanctions and partly to enjoy the warmth provided by conformity and acceptance, couples marry. Today, a myriad of lifestyles is on offer. The old fashioned, nuclear marriage is one of many variants. Children are reared by single parents. Homosexual couples abound. But in all this turbulence, a pattern is discernible : almost 95% of the adult population gets married ultimately. They settle into a two-member arrangement, whether formalized and sanctioned religiously or legally – or n ot. The Companionship Dyad – Formed by adults in search of sources of long-term and stable support, emotional warmth, empathy, care, good advice and intimacy. The members of these couples tend to define themselves as each other's best friends. It is folk wisdom to state that the first three types of dyad arrangements suffer from instability. Sexual attraction wanes and is replaced by sexual attrition in most cases. This could lead to the adoption of non-conventional sexual behaviour patterns (sexual abstinence, group sex, couple swapping, etc.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Knowing the Strength of Your Buying Power :: Nike Public Relations Retail Media Essays

Knowing the Strength of Your Buying Power Reliable news sources have publicly exposed the grim working conditions of people employed by contractors making Nike products in Indonesia, Haiti and Vietnam. Nike’s association with the exploitation of third world workers has fueled a worldwide boycott on their products. Positive public relations are very important to Nike, who has positioned themselves through expensive advertising campaigns as a very strong competitor in the market of athletic shoes. Those running Nike are very aware that any negative association with the company’s name will be detrimental to its success. Nike’s name has become synonymous with the successful slogan â€Å"just do it.† Their association with sweatshops is contradictory and ruinous to their self promoted image as the champions of personal achievement. Nike must maintain a positive public image in order to continue to seduce consumers into choosing them over the competitor. So, when enough people were paying attention to Nike’s unscrupulous business practices, Nike was pushed to respond. Through the boycott, concerned consumers were able to get Nike to acknowledge and address the inhumane conditions at the factories they subcontract work to. Although there has not yet been complete resolve with Nike, concerned consumers have shown their power to be heard. Through consumer action we can create positive changes personally and politically. Many publications -- the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Sydney Morning Herald, Life Magazine -- have reported on the unjust treatment of workers making Nike products. There are reports of children sewing soccer balls for 60 cents a day, workers being beaten, sexually harassed, collapsing from exhaustion, being fired on the account of taking sick leave, working in hazardous conditions, being paid below a livable wage and the list goes on. This kind of flagrant exploitation is illegal in America. We have created laws to protect the unempowered worker from being taken advantage of by the empowered boss. On American soil, we are forced by the law to conduct business with a certain amount of moral decency and through these enforced labor laws we have developed a social understanding and agreement on humane treatment in business. But, because American workers have restricted overtime hours and a higher living wage then those in third world countries, manufacturing goods here is more costly. So, to increase profit margins, many U.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The American Savior :: essays research papers

The American Savior   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   GRAHAM This story takes place in America at about 222B.C. It is about two friends who are torn apart by a young, and beautiful girl whose name is Kigan. Samuel, but was also known as Sam because all of his friends called him Sam for short. Sam was born in Thorton to Solomon and his wife but No one knows her name because Solomon was said to be With more than one woman at a time. Samuel grew up with Miracle, now you might wonder Where Miracle got such a name, Miracle got his name Because he was born dead not a heart beat or Breath in him, as preparations where made for His the miracle happened out of no where. Very slowly Miracle came to life like The sun breaking the darkness of night In the eastern sky at the break of dawn. His mother, Angel, and his father, Knight Where astounded for they had witnessed A miracle, so naturally that’s how Miracle Got his name. Sam and Miracle first met in The city of Crump. Both of the young boys Were in the city buying goods because at This time once a boy turned ten he was considered A man and he needed to be responsible And take care of things that needed to be done. Both boys were kept sheltered from the world by Their parents till now, so seeing the city for the first time Was a shocking experience for both, especially by Themselves. They met at a small deli in the city. They talked and decided that they should meet Again sometime and maybe play some games Together. The two boys met every other day in The city where they played together. They grew to Be best friends. Whenever you saw one of them you saw the other. They were inseparable, they went together like the land and the sea. One day Miracle brought his friend Kigan with him to the city and right away Sam fell in love with her and he treated her as if she were a diamond that had never been touched by human hands. He treated her so precious. The day came when a big festival Was going to be held in the city and Sam asked Kigan if she would join him. Kigan told Sam that she would love to join him but had no interest in him and that she was in love with Miracle. After hearing this, Sam was outraged and ran

Monday, September 16, 2019

Political Science Critique Essay

Why is it to be changed? For as a citizen of the Philippines experiencing simple life can see this problem in our country. It is said in the sections that â€Å"official language is the prescribed medium of communication in the government, courts and schools. It may not be the national language†. Including with this, the official language of the Philippines are Filipino and English. And that is the error of this part of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. We should not include ENGLISH as an official language of our country. First, is it implication that Americans are still in our culture especially in our Constitution. Second, we must have only one official language for us Filipinos will not be confused. It is acceptable that if we will use ENGLISH language in the school because it is a place of learning. But in the government and courts we should not use ENGLISH language. By this act we insult other FILIPINOS. Why? Let us accept the fact that some of the FILIPINOS are trying hard understanding or speaking in ENGLISH and some of the FILIPINOS are what we call â€Å"mangmang†. How can the â€Å"maralitang mga-tiga lungsod† understand these things? We should consider their or should I say our capabilities. For some instance, In having a hearing in the congress by speaking in ENGLISH we think that the whole Philippines got it? NO!, considering that some of the topics are not understandable because we can’t relate because they use such highfaluting words. It is said that Filipinos are the master of the country but how can that be if they can’t understand what we’re trying to implement in their land also how can we get their opinions if they can’t understand it. Second instance, In having trials, mostly fair and poor persons are always convicted due to poverty. If I am in their situation having a trial that I can’t understand, It is a big insult. To sum this up, In Philippines we should consider first our own before anything else. And solving problems should start in little problems like these because we can fixed thing starting in little not in big ones. And some little things like these is the mode and kind of communication in our country. NEW PROVISION: The national and official language of the Philippines is Filipino. As it evolves, it shall be further developed and enriched on the basis of existing  Philippine and other languages. Filipino and English languages as a medium of official communication of instruction in educational system but In Government and Courts the medium of communication shall be our national language.

Erotic Love in the Iliad Essay

Eros, meaning â€Å"erotic love† in Greek, has had tremendous power over men and women for centuries, causing small and large conflicts. In Homer’s Iliad, it is the very thing that sparks the war between Greece and Troy. This theme of erotic love shows itself over and over again in the epic poem, showing the detriments of allowing desire and sexual attraction to overcome reason. Beginning in the first book, erotic love is responsible for starting the rage of Achilles. Agamemnon demands Achilles’ concubine Brisies for himself in exchange for returning his maiden Chryseis to her father Chryses in order to end the plague set upon the Achaean army. Agamemnon and Achilles, two of the best Achaean warriors, came extremely close to battling each other over these stolen maidens – a fight driven by erotic love that could have divided the Greek army. Furthermore, Helen contributes significantly to the theme of erotic love blinding men and causing citywide conflict in the Iliad. Paris’ attraction to and desire for Helen, the most beautiful of all women at the time, essentially led to the downfall of Troy. In Book 3, Aphrodite inspires the erotic love between Helen and Paris that Helen initially resists but is overcome by the power of this attraction fostered by the goddess. This book of the Iliad shows erotic love as an undeniable, powerful force responsible for much of the conflict resulting in the rest of the epic poem. This theme of erotic love, capable of dividing friends and starting wars, is not to be confused with other forms of love also portrayed in the Iliad, such as the love between Hector and Andromache, or between King Priam and his people. Erotic love appears alongside of other forces of love that all play a part in shaping the characters actions and the outcome of conflict.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reaction paper on “The little prince” Essay

I. Brief Summary of the Book The story begins when the narrator look back his childhood life. He drew a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. He showed it to the adults he failed to get hearten with their comments. He felt bad with the grown-ups because they told him to stop his drawing career, instead became a pilot, as they believe that it is the sensible thing to do. So he decided to became a pilot and live his life alone. One day, his plane crashed in the middle of the Sahara desert, a thousand miles from any human habitation. At his first night, he went to sleep, he was awakened by the odd voice came from the little boy who asked him to draw a sheep. He was surprised of what he saw. He drew the sheep that the boy wanted, but again he failed by his drawing until he came up with a box and threw out an explanation to it. That is how he made his acquaintance to the little prince. He took him a long time to know where he came from, but little by little he learned that the prince came from asteroid B-612. Everything there is small. Through their conversation, everything was revealed to him. The little prince took much care of his planet. He doesn’t want anything destroyed his home. One day, a rose appeared on his planet. For him, it is the most beautiful creature ever. He fell in love with it but he caught the rose lied to him. So he decided to leave her and not to trust the rose anymore. To cure his loneliness, he went to the other planets to explore. He found himself in the near planet where he met the king who’s clad in royal purple and ermine, which was at the same time both simple and majestic seated upon the throne. For him, all men are just a subject. The king believed that he can rule over everything even the moon, the stars and the sun. Then the little prince asked him to order the sun to set. But the king can’t do that just right away. So the little prince decided to leave even though the king offered him to be a minister in his planet. He thought to himself that the grown-ups are very strange. In the second planet, he met the conceited man who believed that he is the most handsome, best dressed, and richest and the most intelligent man in that planet. He thought that the  little prince is just an admirer. But the little prince him remind him that he is the only man in that planet. Then he leaved the conceited man with his thought that grown-ups are very odd. In the third planet, he met the tippler who lived alone with his collection of empty bottles and full bottles. He spent his time in drinking just to forget the ashamed of drinking. Little prince puzzled and thought that grown-ups are very, very odd as he continued his journey. In the fourth planet, he met the businessman who was very busy that don’t even notice his arrival. The businessman count the stars and write the numbers on a paper then put it on his bank for so many years because he claimed that he own the stars. But little prince explained to him that he just wasting his time in a matter of consequences just what he did in his flower. Then he continued his journey. In the fifth planet, he met the lamplighter. It was the smallest of all but it was strange. The lamplighter was forever putting out his lamp and lightning it again. He said that he just followed the orders. The little prince thought that the lamplighter was so faithful to his orders. In the sixth planet, he met the geographer. His planet was the most magnificent but he has no way of knowing if there are mountains, rivers, or seas in planet because it is not important for him to waste his time to explore. He can’t leave his desk. He just wrote on his thick book the informati on that the explorer gave to him. He advised the little prince to visit the earth because it has a good reputation. The seventh planet he went is the earth. He lands in the middle of the desert and can’t find any humans. Instead, he met a snake who was pleased to stay in the little prince company because he is innocent and honest in all matters and its poison can send back the little prince to its own home. But little prince ignored the offers and continued to explore. He then found a three-petal flower, climb the highest mountain where he found the echo that makes him confused. He also found a rose garden, which surprises and depresses him because his rose had told him that she was the only one of her kind. He met a fox whom he look after and attempts to tame. He also met some humans, who seemed strange to him. A railway switchman who is unsatisfied, and knows people are unsatisfied, except for children who are the only ones that know what they are looking for. And a merchant, who sells pills that, will quench thirst and save valuable time. The story of the little prince was ended in the desert where he was with the narrator  pilot. They finally find a well to satisfied their thirst and they both agree in knowing that people didn’t see the truly importance of life but just lead mechanical or an empty lives. However, the little prince missed his planet so much that he looked for the snake again to bite him and send him back to his planet. But before he leaved, he gave laughing stars to the narrator pilot. And the plane was able to fix then. He is confident that the little prince has returned to his asteroid. The narrator looked at the lovely and sad landscape of the desert and to the star of his new friend that brightly shining in the sky. II. Analysis of the book’s content The moral is the importance of looking, listening and understanding, exploring and experiencing to find the real and true meaning of a thing. At the beginning of the story, the narrator point out that the grown-ups doesn’t see the real meaning of his drawings, instead, they just look at the surface without even understanding and knowing its deeper meaning. Grown-ups forgot how to appreciate little thing, how to understand life better, how to learn from own mistakes and how to live simply, and how to value true friendship. This story reminds us not to be like the grown-ups who don’t care anyone, just himself. Not to be like the rose who is liar, obsessed and very demanding. Not to be like king who rules the things that shouldn’t be ruled. Not to be a conceited man who is self-centered. Not to be a tippler who is nothing to do but to drink liquor forever just to remove his ashamed of drinking. Not to be a businessman who is claimed the things that don’t belong to him just to be rich. And not to be a geographer who doesn’t have time to look around sees what his real world is. Instead, it tells us to be like the lamplighter who is faithful in the orders and very dedicated to do his task. To be like the pilot who admits his mistakes just because of a matter of consequences. To be like the little prince who lives simply, knows how to value friendship and appreciate little things. That’s what the story wants us to learn. It’s better for us to look closely, listen well and understand deeply, explore somewhere and experience everything first for us know how to value life and appreciate everything without hurting and destroying someone and for us not to end for such a fool. III. Relate the moral of the story to any philosophical concept I relate the moral of the story to St. Augustine on the Moral Evil and Moral Obligation. Moral Evil – man’s abuse or misuse of his freedom; Evil is the very negation and privation of being and cannot be the object of God’s positive act of creation. The grown-ups, the king, the conceited man, the tippler, the businessman and the geographer was abused their freedom because of their wrong doings in themselves and in other creatures of God. The grown-ups don’t appreciate little things and their rude comments that hurt the feelings of other people; the king was greedy in power for him to rule the things that should be ruled only by God; the conceited man was selfish and forgot to value people around him; the businessman was not contented of what he had, he wanted to own the other creatures of God; the tippler was abused his health every time he drinks liquor for his only purpose of removing his shame; and the geographer that the only thing he knows is to write the information that the explorer given to him without providing a little time to look at the creations of God. These people are selfish because they just think about for their own happiness. Moral Obligation – humanity must do good and avoid evil; all human are responsible to their neighbors as they are to their own actions. The lamplighter, the narrator pilot and the little prince are the humans that do good and avoid evil. The lamplighter is very responsible in doing his task and faithful even though there are no other people in his asteroid except him; the narrator pilot who knows how to treat a stranger and value a friendship even if he will not see little prince anymore; and the little prince knows how to appreciate little things, how to love all the creations of God and just like the narrator pilot, he knows also how to value a friendship.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Do Children Read Purely For Enjoyment Education Essay

The term reading for pleasance is the 1 used most frequently in official British course of study paperss. Pleasure and enjoyment are both words that occur, for illustration, in England ‘s National Curriculum ( NC ) programmes of survey for reading ( DfEE/QCA, 1999: 46 ) . Reading is an of import first measure to personal development, and to societal, economic and civic life ( Holden, 2004 cited in Clark and Rumbold, 2006 ) . It allows us to larn â€Å" about other people, about history and societal surveies, linguistic communication, scientific discipline, mathematics, and the other content topics that must be mastered in school. The National Literacy Trust defined reading for pleasance as â€Å" reading that we do of our ain free will, expecting the satisfaction that we will acquire from the act of reading. It besides refers to reading that holding begun at person else ‘s petition we continue because we are interested in it † Nell ( 1988 ) , besides states that reading for pleasance is a signifier of drama that allows us to see other universes and functions in our imaginativeness. This is supported by Holden ( 2004 cited in Clark and Rumbold, 2006 ) who besides regarded reading as a â€Å" originative activity † that is far removed from the inactive chase it is often perceived to be. Others such as Graff ( 1992 ) have described reading for pleasance as an interpretative activity, which is shaped by the reader ‘s outlooks and experiences every bit good as by the societal contexts in which it takes topographic point. However, reading for pleasance could be described as being much more than merely a signifier of drama and escape ; it is besides a manner of linking with a text. Pullman ( 2004 ) , wrote on the characteristics that make reading pleasurable: â€Å" See the nature of what happens when we read a book†¦ It is n't like a talk: its like a conversation. There ‘s a back-and-forthness about it. The book proposes, the reader inquiries, the book responds, the reader considers. And we are active about the procedure†¦ We can plane or we can read it easy ; we can read every word, or we can jump long transitions ; we can read it in the order it presents itself, or we can read it in any order we please ; we can look at the last page foremost, or make up one's mind to wait for it ; we can set the book down and†¦ we can accede or we can differ. † This infusion has been taken from a Guardian article, and is written by the writer Phillip Pullman. He describes reading as a democratic activity because the reader can take charge of what they read. On the other manus, he states that theocracies have a narrow thought of what literacy is, in that they believe it contains merely one thing, and has merely one intent ( Pullman, 2004 ) . Although the article was most likely to hold been written with grownups in head, the infusion taken could be applied to readers of all ages. All definitions fit in with thought of reading for pleasance. Connecting with a text enables the reader to prosecute to the full in what they are reading. However, when engaged in a text we are able to see different universes and functions which can spread out our imaginativenesss.Are kids reading for pleasance?Harmonizing to Clark and Rumbold ( 2006 ) , research suggests that a turning figure of kids do non read for pleasance, and that there appears to be a diminution in the Numberss of kids reading for pleasance over clip. Between 2000 and 2009, on norm, the per centum of kids who reported reading for enjoyment day-to-day dropped by 5 % , from 69 % to 64 % ( OECD, 2010 ) . This signals the challenge for schools to prosecute immature people in reading activities that they find relevant and interesting. The primary purpose of the research conducted by Clark and Rumbold ( 2006 ) was to research reading for pleasance, with the chief focal point being on kids. Their research has been used a great trade within this paper for its relevancy to the assignment rubric. This determination is supported by grounds from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study ( PIRLS ) , which indicated that attitudes to reading hold declined somewhat in England ( in 2006 compared to 2001 ) ( Twist et al. 2007 cited in ESARD, 2012 ) . What was found highlighted that kids in England had less positive attitudes to reading than kids in most other states. It was besides identified that misss by and large enjoy reading more than boys. This is looked at, more in deepness, farther on in the paper. Additionally, a study by the publishing houses Pearson, who questioned instructors, identified that 74 % warned that students did non pass adequate clip reading outside the schoolroom ( BBC News, 2012 ) . Children ‘s writer Frank Cottrell Boyce highlights the issue by stating, â€Å" It ‘s worrying to believe that so many immature kids are non being inspired to pick up a good book and acquire lost in a narrative. † ( BBC News, 2012 ) . This highlights a clear demand to do certain that kids are being provided with the right types of books which stimulate their involvement, capture their imaginativeness and do them desire to turn the following page.Why do kids read?Evidence suggests that reading for pleasance is non ever cited as the chief ground for kids reading. Surveies have explored the issue of why kids read and there have been comparable consequences. The bulk of kids surveyed responded with accomplishments based grounds, grounds to make with acquisition and ap prehension, or emotional grounds ( ESARD, 2012 ) . This is supported by a study conducted by the National Literacy Trust ( NLT ) as portion of Reading Connects ( Clark and Foster, 2005 ) , who found that the bulk of kids emphasised accomplishments related grounds for reading. One-half of the kids said they read because it is a accomplishment for life and because it will assist them happen what they want or need to cognize. More male childs than misss reported that they read because it will assist them acquire a occupation or because they have to. Girls indicated that reading is fun, teaches them how other people live and because it gives them a interruption. However, a survey conducted by Dungworth et Al ( 2004 ) showed consequences that pointed more strongly towards pleasance being a ground for kids reading. This fitted in with the thought that reading was emotional, and related to the manner reading made them experience. Some kids besides said that they read because it was loosen uping. It should be noted that this study was merely conducted with twelvemonth 5 students and hence does non possibly demo a true representation of primary school kids of all ages. The literature suggests that there is a split between grounds why kids read. On the one manus there are the kids who read for enjoyment and for relaxation, whilst others do it chiefly because it is educational and enlightening. However, the bulk of kids do look to tilt towards more skill related grounds as to why they read. This indicates that the pleasance may be taken out of reading for them.The benefits linked with reading for pleasance?Research with kids has shown that reading for pleasance is positively linked with many benefits. Clark and Rumbold ( 2006:8-9 ) identified these chief countries as the benefits to reading for pleasance in the National Literacy Trust ‘s Reading for Pleasure: Reading attainment and composing ability ; Text comprehension and grammar ; Breadth of vocabulary ; Positive reading attitudes ; Greater self assurance as a reader ; Pleasure in reading in ulterior life ; General cognition ; A better apprehension of other civilizations ; Community engagement, and A greater penetration into human nature and decision-making Harmonizing to the National Literacy Trust, they are dedicated to constructing a literate state and emphasize the importance of reading for pleasance as one manner to progress literacy attainment in kids. Similarly, Clark and De Zoysa ( 2011 ) , who have been referred to below, besides focussed their research on immature people. Due to the complexness of some of the inquiries and constructs, they decided to curtail the age scope of take parting students to upper KS2 ( 9-11 old ages and older ) , hence the findings can non possibly be generalised to all students in lower KS2 and KS1. Reading for pleasance in KS1 and lower KS2 is an country that does necessitate more focal point and research. Clark and De Zoysa ( 2011 ) found a important positive relationship between enjoyment and attainment. This indicates that kids who read more are besides better readers. However, they made no deduction sing cause and consequence, hence higher attainment may take to more enjoyment of reading or greater enjoyment may take to higher attainment. In a big graduated table study, Clark ( 2011 ) likewise found that those who reported basking reading were six times more likely than those who did non bask reading to read above the expected degree for their age. In contrast, kids who reported non basking reading at all were 11 times more likely than those who enjoyed reading to read below the degree expected for their age. It was besides found that merely one in 10 kids who read seldom or ne'er, scored above the degree expected for their age compared with one in three of immature people who read everyday. This is once more strongly supported by PIRLS, who reported that â€Å" there is a strong association between the sum of reading for pleasance kids reported and their reading accomplishment. † Guthrie and Wigfield ( 2000 ) besides discovered that kids, who become engaged with reading, provide themselves with â€Å" spontaneous † larning chances that are tantamount to several old ages of instruction. They besides identified that kids with a positive attitude to reading are more likely to pattern the reading accomplishments they are larning at school. Similarly, like Clark and Rumbold ( 2006 ) , Guthrie and Wigfield have focussed chiefly on immature people, through discoursing occupied reading, with its attending being on the part of kids ‘s motive. In add-on to this, research has shown how developing a love of reading is of import for kids ‘s life opportunities. Harmonizing to the OECD ( 2002 ) , detecting ways to prosecute students in reading may be one of the most effectual ways to act upon societal alteration. Their analysis showed that students whose parents had the lowest occupational position, but who were extremely engaged in reading, obtained higher mean reading tonss than pupils whose parents had high or average occupational position but who were ill engaged in reading ( NUT, 2011 ) . â€Å" Reading for Pleasure † is a cardinal policy for the National Union of Teachers ( NUT, 2011:4 ) their usher proposes that, â€Å" the National Curriculum and its statutory appraisal system, Ofsted reviews and the answerability government, mark scene, school betterment and action programs all exert a important influence on what instructors do in the schoolroom. † As a consequence, reading for pleasance can be viewed as a luxury and occurs seldom in the schoolroom. Besides, the inclination towards utilizing infusions from books instead than whole texts for pattern and readying, the attraction and immediateness of a scope of digital media, the shrinking of school and public libraries and the clip demands of guaranting full course of study coverage have all gone against schools promoting students to read for pleasance. Other research into benefits of reading for pleasance has identified that kids who are read to everyday, at age three, have a vocabulary of a kid aged five which is about two months more advanced than those who are non ( Washbook and Waldfogel, 2010 ) . Furthermore, grounds besides illustrates that reading for pleasance can profit kids beyond the schoolroom and into their grownup life, hence enriching the universe around us. The International Reading Association ( 1999 ) believes that kids who enter the grownup universe in the twenty-first century will read and compose more than any other clip in history. They will necessitate advanced degrees of literacy to execute their occupations, run their families and conduct their personal lives etc. They deem literacy to be that of import that they will necessitate it to get by with â€Å" the inundation of information they will happen everyplace they turn. † This is supported by Hargreaves Macintyre ( 2005 ) who stated that hapless reading accomplishments show a relationship with deficiency of employment, lower rewards and fewer chances for promotion. Harmonizing to Clark and Rumbold ( 2006 ) , reading for pleasance has non been a immense research precedence. Nevertheless, surveies are roll uping that emphasise the importance of reading for pleasance, for both educational every bit good as personal development. These surveies show that advancing reading can hold a major impact on kids and their hereafter. However, it should be noted that the bulk of these surveies are based on connected research and would profit from a more strict attack.Motivation for readingResearch into reading has identified the importance of reading motive in explicating literacy behavior. Guthrie and Wigfield ( 2000 ) , define reading motive as. â€Å" the person ‘s personal ends, values and beliefs with respect to the subjects, procedures, and results of reading. † They suggest that reading motive is a multi-faceted â€Å" concept † that includes reading ends, intrinsic and extrinsic motive, self-efficacy and societal motive for reading. In add-on to this, the National Literacy Trust ( 2006 ) province that research has repeatedly shown that motive to read lessenings with age, particularly if kids ‘s attitudes towards reading become less positive ( McKenna et al, 1995 ) . Consequently if kids do non bask reading when they are immature, so they are improbable to make so when they get older. In motive research, research workers and practicians have focused chiefly on task-mastery orientation, i.e. wining at a undertaking. Persons with a public presentation orientation enterprise to maximize favorable ratings to their ability ( Thorkildsen and Nicholls, 1998 ) . Performance orientation is seen as extrinsic motive. It is associated with the usage of surface schemes for reading and desire to finish a undertaking instead than to understand or bask a text ( Meece and Miller, 1999 cited in Guthrie and Wigfield, 2000 ) . Wigfield and Guthrie ( 1997 cited in Guthrie and Wigfield, 2000 ) inform that extrinsic motive was made up of three facets. The first being reading for acknowledgment, this is the pleasance in having a touchable signifier of acknowledgment for success. Second, reading for classs, whereby a kid desires to be favorably evaluated by the instructor, and in conclusion competition in reading is the desire to surpass others in reading. In contrast, Ryan and Deci ( 2000 ) refer to intrinsic motive as battle in an activity that is based on personal involvement in an activity itself. Hidi ( 2000 ) , province that readers who are per se motivated are more likely to happen a assortment of subjects that involvement them, and benefit from an attach toing sense of pleasance. It should be noted that although the surveies by Meece and Miller ( 1999 ) , Thorkildsen and Nicholls ( 1998 ) , Ryan and Deci ( 2000 ) and Hidi ( 2000 ) focused chiefly on kids, they were conducted in America and hence attitudes towards reading may be different to those in the UK. However, a study carried out by the International Reading Association ( 1995 ) identified that like the UK, misss possessed more favorable attitudes than male childs at all class degrees. Self efficaciousness is another facet of reading motive. Bandura ( 1986 ) defines it as â€Å" people ‘s opinions of their capablenesss to organize and put to death class of action required to achieve designated types of public presentations. † An person ‘s beliefs about their capablenesss can act upon motive and behavior ( Bandura, 1982 ) . Therefore, in this context, it could be said that when a kid evaluates their ain competency in reading and, believes their attempts have been successful, their assurance is increased and willingness to seek similar and more ambitious books occurs. Additional surveies by Quirk et Al ( 2009 ) and Jackson ( 2002 ) have supported Bandura ‘s theory. Much research into this country has concluded that pupils with high intrinsic motive, a undertaking orientation, and high ego efficaciousness are comparatively active readers and high winners ( Guthrie et al, 2000 ) .Boys V. GirlsHarmonizing to ESARD ( 2012 ) surveies have revealed that boys enjoy reading less than misss. A study conducted by Clark and Douglas ( 2011 ) for The National Literacy Trust, identified that there has been a important spread between male childs and misss who enjoy reading. In 2005, 10.7 % more misss than male childs enjoyed reading ; by 2009 this had widened to 15 % . As a consequence of these statistics, Clark and Douglas ( 2011 ) made this bold statement: â€Å" Its deductions are important non merely for literacy but for male childs ‘ wider educational attainment and finally their life chances. † This statement stresses the importance of reading for enjoyment. Besides, despite a big figure of national publicities of reading, focused on male childs between 2005 and 2011, they are still non reading for pleasance every bit much as misss. Had these non occurred, the spread may hold been even wider. Schemes that have been introduced to promote male childs to read hold focussed on two attacks. Through programmes such as the National Literacy Trust ‘s Reading Champions undertaking, the purpose is to alter attitudes to reading. Besides, male childs are given the chance to read by being provided with free reading stuffs from strategies such as Boys into Books. Harmonizing to Maloney ( 2000 ) , the writer of Boys and Books: Building a Culture of Reading Around Our Boys, boys by and large similar to read books that reflect their image of themselves, peculiarly what they aspire to be and what they want to make, i.e. something that they can associate to. Besides, books that can do them laugh and appeal to their sense of mischievousness and fiction that focuses on action more than emotions. Interestingly, boys enjoy books that are portion of a series, such as the Harry Potter series as they appear to supply male childs with a sense of comfort and acquaintance. Possibly unsurprisingly, many male childs tend to be passionate about scientific discipline fiction and phantasy. Finally, newspapers, magazines, amusing books, athleticss cards and direction manuals, these are stuffs that are frequently non available in the schoolroom. Research suggests that when male childs read these stuffs, they do non see themselves to be reading at all, because thes e stuffs are non valued at school. It could be said that The National Literacy Trust provides reasonably valuable and dependable information. 17,089 students aged 8-16 from 112 schools from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales participated in the on-line study on immature people ‘s attitudes towards reading in November and December 2009. One piece of research that has been prevailing throughout looking at gender differences and reading for pleasance is that entree to reading stuffs for male child seems still to be an issue and seems to associate to parental attitudes towards reading. Clark and Douglas ( 2011 ) province that male childs are less likely to state that they have entree to a computing machine, magazines, newspapers or books compared with misss. Besides, whilst 79.1 % of misss say they have books of their ain at place, merely 66.5 % of male childs say they do. This indicates that there may be a demand for runs to turn to societal attitudes around male child ‘s reading, and the parental function in resource proviso suggests that parents may hold a function to play in turn toing the gender spread. Interestingly on arrangement more male childs read and appeared to bask reading more, nevertheless this is merely one category and can non be generalised to the population.The current criterion of instruction of reading in schoolsThe Literacy Guide for Primary Schools 2012-2013 announced that the criterion of instruction of literacy, in primary schools around the United Kingdom is better than it of all time has been. They province that schools are presenting lessons which are thorough, advanced and originative and, as a consequence kids are motivated and larning takes topographic point ( National Literacy Trust, 2012 ) . However, there was still one in five kids neglecting to accomplish the expected degree at Key Stage 2 in 2011. In footings of alteration, the new bill of exchange course of study for English ( 2012 cited in National Literacy Trust 2012 ) puts a strong accent on the instruction of systematic man-made phonics. Furthermore, the Teachers ‘ Standards require for all instructors to â€Å" show an apprehension of and take duty for advancing high criterions of literacy, articulacy and the right usage of Standard English. † ( DfEs, 2012 ) . Ofsted ( 2010 ) characterised excellence in reading by set uping phonic cognition and accomplishments and their application through reading, composing and comprehension of what they ‘re reading. Besides broadening and widening the scope and quality of reading, and eventually, heightening the instruction of reading by its application across the wider course of study. The 12 schools chosen for the Ofsted ( 2010 ) analyze all had above mean consequences in both KS1 and KS2. They represented a scope of cultural and socio economic backgrounds, and the schools were widely distributed and included urban and rural scenes. Although the sum of schools chosen is slightly little, the fact that they represent a spectrum of different backgrounds highlights the fact that any school can accomplish excellence in learning kids to read, and promote reading for pleasance. However, one unfavorable judgment of seting so much focal point on phonics and kids being tested on their reading at the age of six is that kids may be put off reading for pleasance ( Guardian, 2011 ) . The study dismisses past concerns sing frights about the consequence of structured acquisition and instruction on three and four twelvemonth olds by stating that they have small foundation. However, they make the strong point that some of the rules of man-made phonics, such as inflexibleness and adhering merely to decidable books until the kid no longer needs formal systematic phonics instruction, could present an â€Å" unreal ceiling and cut down the motive of kids who want to research books and take on the challenge of reading for themselves † ( Ofsted, 2010 ) . It is agreed that what is of import is that kids who struggle to get the critical accomplishments of blending and segmenting are given as much aid as possible ( Ofsted 2010 ) .Promoting reading for pleasance in the schoolroomAside from guaranting a deepness of capable cognition in the rules, theory and patterned advance of phonics, instructors need to â€Å" plunge the kids in a rich reading environment † by reading a broad scope of quality texts ( National Literacy Trust, 2012:4 ) . The NUT ( 2011 ) discusses the benefits of kids being read aloud to in the schoolroom. Surveies have shown that kids who are read to are more likely to make better in school both academically and socially. Alan Gibbon, writer and instructor, knows firsthand the benefits of effectual, reading aloud clip. In his ‘Reading for Pleasure ‘ usher, for the NUT, he states that reading aloud is about making a positive reading experience to prosecute the pupils. Therefore instructors need to pattern their enthusiasm for books and reading them. This can be achieved through executing the voices of the different characters in the books: inquiring inquiries every so frequently to happen out what everyone thinks might go on next to assist construct suspense and to do it more interesting for the hearers and, eventually, halting the narrative at an exciting point. This will do the hearer want to come back and read some more. On arrangement, the instructor demonstrated these accomplishments magnificently and it was apparent that the kids loved being read aloud to. It was clear that the instructor was familiar with the book as there was no stumbling over words and phrases which made it much more gratifying for the hearer. The voices were executed brightly and the kids were kept engaged and ever looked frontward to reading more. Obviously, supplying the kids regular clip to read self-chosen books mutely is besides truly of import. Schraw et Al ( 1998 cited in Clark and Rumbold 2006 ) found that there was a positive relationship between pick and affectional facets of reading, such as motive. Children are much more likely to take a book that looks interesting to them. Research from the United Kingdom Literacy Association ( UKLA ) highlighted the demand for quality clip for independent reading in the schoolroom. In school, it was observed, that the kids normally read mutely when they came into the schoolroom first thing in the forenoon, nevertheless, more clip is possibly needed whereby kids get a set sum of clip to read mutely as it appeared that the sum of kids reading for pleasance was comparatively low. One scheme to be considered is Drop Everything and Read ( DEAR ) ( NUT, 2011 ) . At a set clip of the hebdomad, everyone in the school ( including all staff ) , stops what they are making and read something they enjoy for 20/30 proceedingss. Finally reading publicity programmes need to be implemented that make reading an experience that is actively sought out by pupils ( Clark and Rumbold, 2006 ) . There is besides a demand for schools to recognize that a broad scope of reading stuffs will promote pupils to read. From pattern, it was made cognizant that schools tend to read aloud infusions instead than the whole book. A survey commissioned by the educational publishing house Heinemann, portion of Pearson Education, was the first wide-scale research into the usage of books in literacy instruction in the UK. The research involved over 500 primary learning staff from 500 schools in the state. Amazingly, 12 % of primary school instructors said they had ne'er read a complete book with their category. It appears that this depicts a distressing image of dependance on little infusions, instead than whole books, for literacy. The research besides identified that about two-thirds of instructors felt that reading merely extracts in category could potentially turn kids off reading, at the same clip a farther one in five say they saw grounds of this already go oning. It was besides found that six in 10 instructors believe that reading whole books in their schoolrooms would hold existent academic benefits on their students, both in test public presentation and academic success ( Edinger, 2009 ) . The job that appears to originate here is that if kids are n't acquiring the experience of reading whole books in category, they may ne'er acquire that grasp for them. Reading extracts merely, may besides intend that you are losing out on the best and most critical spots of a book.DecisionTo reason, the research suggests that there has been a little diminution in kids reading for pleasance. It is besides apparent that misss tend to read for enjoyment more so than male childs. However, there are spreads in this country, and more research is required. Male childs who do read are more likely to make so for skills-related grounds, such as, to assist them to acquire a occupation in the hereafter ( Clark and Foster, 2005 ) . It has besides been made evident that there are many benefits to reading for pleasance ; these include reading attainment, positive reading attitudes and greater ego assurance as a reader ( Clark and Rumbold, 2006 ) . There are assorted ways to acquire kids reading for pleasance in the schoolroom. Including the instructor reading aloud to them ; seting on the voices of the different characters and, halting to inquire inquiries associating to the book. Besides, giving the kids the chance to read mutely to themselves and giving them the freedom take their ain book. Finally, there are schemes presently in topographic point to promote kids to non merely read more but to besides read for pleasance. Overall the topic of reading for pleasance has been reasonably good researched. However, there are spreads. One subject that requires more focal point is whether higher attainment leads to more enjoyment of reading or greater enjoyment lead to higher attainment as there is small research in this country. Although the bulk of research workers province that kids who read more and, bask reading are better readers, there is no deduction of its causality. Besides, although there is grounds of research into the country of reading motive, much of it has been conducted in America and therefore it is unknown whether it can be made relevant to the UK. For this ground it would be interesting to carry on work in the UK to see if the findings are the same or if they differ.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Edwards V. Aguillard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Edwards V. Aguillard - Research Paper Example From these experiments and results, it was found logically to say that man evolved from apes. Theories were created that proved these points. Then another science came into view: the creation science. With the creation science, it was argued that man was created by a supreme being, and that was the origin that proved somewhat true. Over the years, scholars have argued about the existence and origin of man. Some have supported the evolution theory while others have supported the creation science. In this particular essay, attention will be focused on a case that was ruled by the supreme court in 1987. It was between Edwards and Aguillard. Edwards supported the evolution theory while Aguillard supported the creation science theory. By the end of it all, the court had ruled that both creation science and evolution be taught in public schools. A law was created for this purpose, which received much opposition from schools that were affected by this law. The argument was that if creationi sm was taught in public schools, it would be unconstitutional since it would attempt to make a particular religion more advanced than the other. (Scott 199). With both theories about creation at hand, the main cause of concern was that one cannot be taught while the other is not. This would mean that if, say, creationism was taught and evolution was not, then students would dwell more about the knowledge on how people came to exist based on the creation theory (Jacobs, 33). They would not have come to know of a theory that taught the origin of man through evolution. In such a case, only one particular religion would be promoted and instilled in the young minds of students. A major question that people should ask themselves is: If one religion is taught in a public school science class, why cannot other theories about the development and origins of life also be taught in the same school? It was a biased move – one which would enable the existence and knowledge of one particula r discipline while extinguishing the other (Scott 212). The major conflict was between the Creationism Act and its agreement with the Establishment Clause (Brownstein 15). The Creationism Act was such that it forbade the teaching of the evolution theory in public schools unless the teaching of creation science was also involved. At the time, there was no need for any of the theories to be taught in schools, but the Act stated that should one be present, the other should be present too. This meant that the only way evolution would be taught was by the inclusion of instructions from creation science. This, from any other view, indicated that one was nonsexist if the other was not in existence either. From this argument, it was viewed that this promoted creation science more than it did evolution (Young and Strode 232). It was more of promoting a religious doctrine that taught about the existence of life from a Christian point of view. So as to show that the Creationism Act catered for the best interests of students in schools, it was argued that both were the evidence proven scientifically, which dealt with creation and evolution, and there were also inferences from that scientific evidence (Haynes 40). Beyond doubt, both were to go side by side in science classes, and as it seemed, academic freedom was present. Academic freedom is the choice to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

British Airways PLC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

British Airways PLC - Research Paper Example Likewise, The current ratio above shows that the total assets for the year 2006 was 1.18 times the total liabilities of the year. This means that the company will be able to pay all their current liabilities as well as long term liabilities when the maturing date for their payments arrive. In addition, the 2007 current ratio is better than the 2006 current ratio. The Debt to Equity ratio above shows that the total liabilities for the year 2007 was 4.15 times the total equity of the year. This means that the company has four and 15/100 times resources coming from the creditors than the stockholders. The Debt to Equity ratio above shows that the total liabilities for the year 2006 was 5.54 times the total equity of the year. This means that the company has five and 54/100 times resources coming from the creditors than the stockholders. In addition, the 2007 debt to equity ratio is better than the 2006 debt to equity ratio. The Gross Profit ratio above shows that the gross profit for the year 2007 was twenty eight percent of the net sales. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales alone. The Gross Profit ratio above shows that the gross profit for the year 2006 was twenty nine percent of the net sales. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales alone. The Gross Profit ratio above shows that the gross profit for the year 2006 was twenty nine percent of the net sales. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales alone. Sadly, the gross profit ratio for 2006 shows a better picture of the company when compared to the 2007 gross profit ratio. The Net Profit ratio above shows that the Net profit for the year 2007 was three percent of the net revenues. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales plus marketing and administrative expense. The Net Profit ratio above shows that the Net profit for the year 2006 was five percent of the net revenues. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales plus marketing and administrative expense. Sadly, the net profit ratio for 2006 shows a better picture of the company when compared to the 2007 gross profit ratio. Further, British Airways Chief Executive Willie Walsh was fair in stating "This is another good set of results despite soaring fuel costs and difficulties in the market. Revenue up some one percent and a strong cost performance has led to an operating profit up 28.5 percent. While fuel costs in the first six months were down 36 million, they have soared 72 million in the third quarter." on February, 2008. This is based on the above computations done in excel format and copy -pasted to this document. Reference: B. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION British Airways PLC is engaged in the operation of international and domestic ferrying of air passengers, freight and other non -human cargo both locally or internationally like the member states of the European Union. The company's flight one hundred forty seven destinations are located in seventy five countries as of March, 2007 yet. As of March 31, 2007, it had fulfilled the air travel needs of over thirty three million passengers. The company had two hundred forty two airplanes flying the European skyline. In terms of strategic management, the company

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Love. Narration English Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Love. Narration English Paper - Essay Example My father was driving and my mother was sitting on the front seat. I was sitting on the backseat with my brother and we were enjoying by listening to music and taking pictures along the road. As soon as our car turned towards the highway, a truck that had taken a wrong turn came and struck our car. Our car spun and finally came to a halt. I was trembling as I saw blood pouring down from my brother’s face. My parents and my younger brother were unconscious. It was a very frightening sight and I was in a state of shock. Soon ambulances reached and we were taken to the hospital. My brother and my mother sustained injuries but they were discharged after two days. The accident was the most frightening occurrence of my life. Till this day, the remembrance of the accident makes me shiver as I cannot forget the scenario when I felt helpless and did not know what to do. I had nightmares of the accident and it took months for me to recover from the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Research psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research psychology - Essay Example The feared situations can vary from interpersonal social interactions in small groups to talking to strangers. Performance fears, such as speaking in public, also are common. People with social anxiety disorder either avoid feared situations or experience them with extreme anxiety. Most individuals with the disorder have the more severe, "generalized" type, in which the person has other social fears in addition to the common fear of public speaking. Many researchers have conducted research in the area with varying recommendations. Much has been researched on social anxiety and how it affects peoples’ lives. Usually many researches have looked at the causes of social anxiety and how it could be treated. SARA W.holds that one–fifth of patients with social anxiety disorder also suffers from an alcohol use disorder (AUDs). They have argued that one of the theories that can be attributed to this is the tension reduction theory, which proposes that people with social anxiety use alcohol to alleviate their fears. This expectation that alcohol reduces anxiety may motivate alcohol consumption even if pharmacological studies do not support that assumption. She holds that social anxiety disorder is treatable with both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Some researchers have also attributed social anxiety disorders to environmental risk factors such as parenting (Ollendick & Hirshfeld-Becker, 2002). Although the role of parenting has emerged as a small but significant risk factor, less research has focused on parent psychopathology. This lack of attention may be due, in part, to the difficulty in separating out genetic contributions from environmental impact. Despite this, there is some evidence that parents with specific disorders contribute significantly to an increased rate of many childhood and adolescence disorders, potentially even within a particular developmental pathway (Stranger 1999; Burstein

Monday, September 9, 2019

User model and modeling for human performance Essay

User model and modeling for human performance - Essay Example y arise due to incorrect assumptions made by students as well as improper presentation of stimuli, while Marjory Martin points out that students face difficulties in science and especially biology, because they represent abstract ideas which escape the students’ understanding ( Misconceptions occur in various areas but their detrimental effects are felt most acutely in the academic field, because it interferes with the progress that students are able in the development of cognitive skills and learning. Misconceptions that occur in the field of academic studies make it difficult for students to effectively assimilate their lessons and perform well, because these misconceptions function as a barrier that impedes the cognitive assimilation and understanding of concepts. The National Curriculum Council for Great Britain has pointed out some common student misconceptions in Algebra, such as treating letters as objects or completely ignoring their presence ( Misconceptions in the field of science occur mainly because of the difficulties students face in understanding everyday phenomena through abstract or symbolic representations. In biology, misconceptions occur because students are unable to grasp the concepts which they find to be too theoretical and abstract, especially in regard to concepts such as natural selection and evolution.(Burton and Dobson, 2009). According to Joan Solomon, students may also find it difficult to assimilate concepts because they may be associated with every day use, for example the word energy, and using concepts in science requires the interpretation of everyday phenomena in abstract terms, which may also involve the use of symbols to explain commonplace events( In effect, there is some contextual learning that may have already taken place before a student attends classes and it becomes necessary to ensure that the student is able to learn how to learn through the use of concept

Sunday, September 8, 2019

MGT Leadership and Ethics Unit 3 DB SA Second Week Essay

MGT Leadership and Ethics Unit 3 DB SA Second Week - Essay Example Just as Nahavandi (2006) points out, the two leaders are similar, in that they are very passionate about achieving organisational goals. Mary Kay is passionate to the point of nurturing intra-organisational relations to achieve it, while Gates is passionate about having employees being results-oriented. The leaders differ in that Gates is a low LPC, unlike Mary Kay. The latter believes that nurturing intra-organisational relations with and among employees is key to achieving performance target, unlike Gates who sees personal touch among/with employees as peripheral to the achievement of actual organisational goals. From a personal standpoint, I prefer working with Mary Kay because closer intra-organisational relations are sacrosanct in the quest to horn talents and skills [this in itself wards off high turnover], build team spirit, strengthen organisational loyalty and nurture commitment to organisational goals and vision. All these are valuable factors to organisational stability, growth and success. Bill Gates’ great emphasis on brilliance is not all-embracing and his penchant for being rude at times may mean that he is totally not in control of his firm: desired talents may walk out on him eventually. From the foregoing, it is clear that Gates is a low LPC, as opposed to Mary who is a high LPC. Like Gates, low LPC may so much care about performance more than forging work-related relations. Although this may be meaningful in the attainment of organizational goals at face value, yet it is the most unfavorable approach to pursue. This is because, organizational success is a culmination of factors such as: teamwork [and teamwork in turn draws hugely from close-knight relations], effective talent management [which entails the democratization of the workplace, the enhancement of employees’ welfare and injective competitiveness in work performance at departmental and intra-personal level] and having a

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Platos Lysis with Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics Essay

Platos Lysis with Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics - Essay Example Lysis is Plato’s dialogues discussing the nature of friendship whereas Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics also discusses the nature and concept of friendship and its importance in the lives of human beings. Plato and Aristotle are the Greek philosophers that have covered several important subjects in their writings. They contradict as well as support each others’ view point on certain matters however, the conception of friendship is perceived differently by these philosophers and they provide the understanding of the nature of friendship.The Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics has been regarded as Aristotle’s best work on friendship and ethics. It is the most important philosophical work that drew significant impacts upon the European middle age societies because the medieval philosophy was widely based upon the concepts presented in Nicomachean Ethics. The conception of friendship presented by Aristotle basically depicts his thinking about the nature of fri endship and why people need friends in their lives (Crisp, p76). He believes that there is no person that would like to live a friend less life because being a social animal man always like situations and circumstances where he has a friend. Plato Lysis also talks about the importance of friendship but he has not much focused upon the importance and role of friendship in the lives of people from social and emotional perspective (Cooper, p290). The dynamics of friendship are also explored by Plato in one of his most engaging puzzling dialogues Lysis. These dialogues are rich mixtures of stable arguments, theories and literature in which Plato presented his views regarding friendship. Plato discusses the nature of friendship in these dialogues using the main characters of Socrates and two boys and friends Lysis and Menexunun. Another character of the dialogue was Hipplothales who had unrequited love with Lysis. In Lysis, Plato explained the conception of friendship in detail and depth and says that true friendship is based upon four basic conditions. At first, friendship could develop between the people that are similar and good man. Secondly, friendship occurs between dissimilar people. Thirdly, people who are neither good nor bad could also become friend and fourthly the relatives develop gradual friendship with each others because it is in the nature of the human beings to become friend of others (Annas, p532). The Lysis are often being regarded as philosophical failure because several arguments depicted in the dialogues are not convincing and due to these bad dialogues it has been regarded as a philosophical failure. It is found that Lysis fails to provide satisfying answers to certain important questions associated with the nature of the friendship. It is often been argues that Lysis actually didn’t answer the question that what friendship is. It shows dialogues between Socrates, Lysis and menexenus arguing about the friendship where Socrates asked Lysis and Menexunun that when a person loves another who is friend the lover